Rev. Neil Steven Lawrence, M.Div.
I am 54. When I turned 45, I began numbering my hours as a way of inspiring me to be a proper steward with the deep things of God.
I truly believe the Rapture will happen before my accounting is done, but
if I live to be 80 years old that means I only have (24x365x26years)= 227,000 hours left to do something for Jesus – a third of that is spent sleeping! Which means I really only have 151,400 waking hours to pour this treasure in my earthen vessel into someone!
The whole process of counting your days is not morbid at all, but necessary to be effective. It is in fact spiritual to do so.
What is morbid is thinking this “dying shell” we live in and this “Broken Ball” we are spinning on is something we should cling to!